The Ex-President's and current President Speak

Former President's Carter and George H. W. Bush spoke. Current President George W. Bush spoke. Gerald Ford was invited to come, but because of illness he couldn't.


The first Ex-President to speak was Jimmy Carter:

Jimmy Carter spoke about the first time he had met President Clinton. He said that he was waiting at a hotel in Little Rock waiting for Bill Clinton and it was getting later, and when what he thought was a waiter or somebody like that, he ask if they knew where William Clinton was, and Clinton responded by saying that I am William Clinton.


The next Ex-President that spoke was George H W Bush:

Former President George H W Bush spoke after Jimmy Carter. He talked a little about the 1992 election. He spoke about when at the debate with Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, when he was looking at his watch, he wasnt looking at the time, he was looking to see when Ross Perot would be done talking.


The current President Bush spoke after his father George H. W. Bush:

I really don't remember what he really said. He didn't say any negative about President Clinton.




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